Lynden Aged Care Gaffney Wing


49 Lynden Street, Camberwell


Stage 5a: September – December 2017
Stage 5b: January– April 2018


$4.4 million


Lynden Aged Care
Blair Architects
Stage 5 refurbishment and extension to the low-care Gaffney Wing.

As part of Lynden Aged Care’s major capital development program, works involved refurbishment and extension of the existing Gaffney Wing comprising 30 bedrooms with ensuites, self-service kitchenettes, corridors and lounge areas.

With the refurbishment to be delivered in a live environment, the project was split into two stages – 5a and 5b – so that residents, staff and visitors could retain access to areas not under construction. While safety and minimising disruption was critical to successful delivery, one of our client’s key objectives was having Stage 1 delivered prior to Christmas so that the refurbished rooms would be ready to accommodate new residents.

Lynden Aged Care Gaffney Wing


49 Lynden Street, Camberwell


Lynden Aged Care


Stage 5a: September – December 2017
Stage 5b: January– April 2018
Blair Architects


$4.4 million
Stage 5 refurbishment and extension to the low-care Gaffney Wing.

As part of Lynden Aged Care’s major capital development program, works involved refurbishment and extension of the existing Gaffney Wing comprising 30 bedrooms with ensuites, self-service kitchenettes, corridors and lounge areas.

With the refurbishment to be delivered in a live environment, the project was split into two stages – 5a and 5b – so that residents, staff and visitors could retain access to areas not under construction. While safety and minimising disruption was critical to successful delivery, one of our client’s key objectives was having Stage 1 delivered prior to Christmas so that the refurbished rooms would be ready to accommodate new residents.


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